GUS Status

General Status Effecting all Scripts

Encompassed Scripts

It is believed that all scripts that should be encompassed by this project have been correctly identified.

Consonant Mappings

Presently mappings are made as per the leading consonant in the Unicode character names. Effort has not begun to map the characters onto IPA symbols.

Vowel Mappings

Seven short vowels and corresponding long vowels have been devised in ASCII to associate with syllables. These vowels have been applied to all scripts with the exception of Yi where the vowels are not well understood at this stage. This correlation represents a "first pass" effort and do need to be verified and double checked. Effort has not begun to map the characters onto IPA symbols.

Labialization Mappings

Labialized syllables are treated presently as a unique syllable type. This is an extension of the general tying of forms to syllables (the labial syllables do indeed represent unique forms). This point should be discussed by participants.

Use of Forms

Which scripts use the notion of "forms" needs to be investigated thoroughly. Should forms be assigned based on family and sort order for those scripts not applying the form notion?